Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Puzzle of Wellness - Lyme Disease

I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease (chronic) four years ago.  In all of the reading I have done in books, on websites, and with others' personal experiences of this misunderstood and complex immune system dysfunction, it can be rather disheartening fighting it.  It isn't just one thing or a few things that will result in any significant amount of change.  I have found this to be true for myself, as well.  My own efforts to improve my immune system make me feel like I am putting the pieces together in a very challenging puzzle.  When I first began my efforts to strengthen my broken immune system, I was discouraged.  My mom (my biggest cheerleader) encouraged me not to just make one effort...but to look at and incorporate multiple immune system building practices into my efforts (not such a good thing if you are a scientist and trying to test variables, but a very good thing if you are interested in being proactive, taking control of your own health, and wanting to just plain feel better). So, I have done just this.  My health and wellness is like a beautiful picture that I want to reclaim.  Some of the pieces are out of place, so I make an effort each day to put them back in place and keep others from getting displaced.  It doesn't happen overnight.  I am perfectly fine with that, because I feel encouragement and enthusiasm in the tremendous progress I have made so far.  My list of immune system efforts has grown since the time I begun working at it.  But, I have picked one thing at a time to incorporate into my health until it has become habitual and a part of my daily life.

Before I had a diagnosis, I learned from micro-nutrient testing I had completed, that I had a very deficient level of glutathione.  Glutathione is produced by the body to fight the free radicals roaming our bodies, which cause oxidative stress.  However, a body burdened with too much of a toxic load cannot produce the necessary glutathione to "keep up", thus resulting in chronic illness or disease. To boost glutathione, certain foods are encouraged as building blocks to the body making the necessary components of this master antioxidant.  I also learned I needed to avoid use natural cleaning products for home and body, natural make-up, etc., and to reduce exposure to harmful environmental chemicals.  So, the first piece in my puzzle led me to research essential oils, as these gifts of the earth are a very beneficial solution for toxicity, for restoring health, or for maintaining continued wellness. At this time, I also met with a doctor who planted the first seeds of essential oil usage.  Thus began my family's connection and relationship with essential oils.

Out of a very significant trial in my life has come a tremendous blessing for myself and my family...and those I have the courage to share with.  While I work on my own puzzle of wellness, I daily try to teach my own children and extended family members how to preserve or improve their own picture of health.  It is my long term goal to reach out to all I can and to share what I have learned in putting our "puzzles of wellness" back together.                                                      


  1. We're definitely thankful that you have been sharing!

  2. How do you use the oil? Do you put them in capsules? and how much? Thank you
