Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Top Quality Essential Oils

A few days ago, I was at the mall and went into an incense/hippie type shop.  I like going into different places just to look around.  When I got to the back of the store, I saw the oil display above.  I couldn't help but smile (and of course take a picture).

Before discovering the difference in the quality of oils, I purchased a few oils from various places. I think the first one was tea tree oil.  Lice was going around the school and I heard that rubbing a drop on the back of kids' necks will keep them away.  I bought a bottle at our local health food grocery store.  It is a common brand that only costs about $7. I thought it smelled awful, but I consistently applied it every morning until the lice talk died down.  I even told 2 of my neighbors about it and they bought bottles from the store to do the same thing.  None of our kids got lice, so we were all thrilled.  When it was over, I put it away in my bathroom cabinet and decided I'd use it again for the next outbreak.

One of the first oils I bought from a top quality company was Melaleuca (aka tea tree) oil.  I still had the other bottle in my bathroom, but my friend had me compare it to hers.  Her oil was completely different.  It smelled better and I noticed that I was just drawn to it more.  After comparing them, I noticed that the one from the store smelled like it had rubbing alcohol in it.  I put a drop of each on my skin and was just as surprised by the differences.  I never looked back.

Several months later, my mom told me that she had a tickle in her throat.  I told her that a drop of Melaleuca under the tongue had done wonders for my kids and me. After talking, she decided that she wanted to test it out. She went down to the drug store and bought a bottle of whatever brand they had there. The next morning, she called me and told me that the second the drop hit her mouth she gagged and ended up puking.  She couldn't believe that the kids or I had done it.  I explained that this can only be done with high quality oils with a label listing it is for dietary use. She looked on her bottle and it said "not for consumption."  Since then, she has grown to love high quality oils too.      

These stories are important to tell because oils are not created equally.

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