Monday, August 24, 2015

Labels with Recipes

I enjoy making blends, but I really enjoy making stickers for those blends. It seems to make it feel like the roller bottle blends are just a tad more professional with them. I like creating the labels so I might as well share the designs. You can save them to your computer and have them printed by ( Here are a few:

I started off with this one because it really is the one I use the MOST. I named it Super J Mix after my son. He is very high energy and quite distracted. This roller mix is used on the bottom of his feet (especially his big toe), down his spine, on his wrists and under his nose. I also use it on anyone that definitely needs a good night of sleep. It is just that calming. 

Super J Mix recipe:
15 drops of Vetiver
10 drops of Cedarwood
10 drops of Lavender
2 - 5 drops of Ylang Ylang
2 - 5 drops of Bergamot
Fill the rest with fracionated coconut oil (FCO)

The  Calm the Witch Blend is quite a popular blend. It is plastered all over the internet and I have posted about it on here before. This definitely screams for a label, right?

Where I live, the Spring Sniffles Blend is useful during several months of the year even the fall. It is basically an allergy support blend. It contains 10 drops each of lemon, lavender, & peppermint (LLP) topped off with fractionated coconut oil (FCO). It is best rolled around the sinus areas of the face. 

When someone mentions to me that they haven't been sleeping well because of nightmares, I usually make them the Sleep Well Mix. It has 10 drops of cedarwood (to promote restful sleep), 5 drops of juniper berry (to promote sweet dreams) and is topped off with FCO. I instruct them to roll it on the bottom of their feet starting with the big toes.